Friday, May 13, 2011

A Lovesick Bridegroom

A couple months ago I had a strong desire to begin “blogging”. My friend Holly Jackson created the blog for me and for months now nothing has been written! I finally decided that I wanted to go ahead and begin writing about my journey into the book of the Song of Solomon. In 2007 I surrendered my life to Christ and it was then that I began my first biblical study on the Song of Solomon. In my study my eyes were opened to the reality of the Lords lovesick desire for the Church, His Bride. As I began to read and study the symbolism of this book I was literally catapulted into the greatest foundational truth I had ever known and that was my spiritual identity as a cherished Bride. The Bride, in Song of Solomon referred to herself as “dark but lovely”. She recognized her sin and brokenness but she had a revelation of the love and acceptance of God even in the midst of her immaturity. I believe that the Lord is longing for His Bride to know who she is in Him. He longs for her to understand that she is “dark but lovely”. In having a revelation of this truth we are able to approach God a lot differently than we are when we are filled with shame and condemnation of our utter depravity before Him. 

In the first chapter we see the ultimate cry of the Bride’s heart being the superior pleasures of Christ's love.

Song of Sol 1:2 “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth (Word)! For your love is better than wine.”

In the first chapter we see the Bride having a revelation of her inheritance. She understood that it wasn’t the pleasures of this world that she had inherited but her inheritance was Christ. The first four chapters of this eight chapter love song are the Bride’s inheritance in Christ and the last four chapters are Christ’s inheritance in his Bride. When the Bride speaks in the first part of the verse she is asking that the Father allow Jesus to touch her heart with his Word. She understands that the Father is the one who has authority over the Son.
I believe the Lord desires that we come in contact with the lovesick desire he has for us. Until we experience and understand his love we will continue in our warped perception of “God is angry at me and therefore I will remain at a distance. I will only approach him when I am in trouble and I will not bother him with anything else.”
In the midst of our sin and shame we must come before Him and taste of his love. We must cry out in our hearts “Kiss me with the kisses of your Word. I ask for an experiential knowledge of your lovesick desire for me Lord!” In this place we will find ourselves at his feet proclaiming what the Schulamite did in chapter 1, “I am very dark, but lovely to Him!”

“For your love is better than wine”

When you take a sip of the love of God you realize that nothing on earth can satisfy you like the love of God. No earthly pleasure not even the favor and blessings of God can satisfy you like his love can. For much of my life I surrounded myself with relationships that I thought would satisfy the longings of my soul. What I came to realize was that although these relationships promised immediate gratification they never satisfied… They never brought the true agape love that my heart was created to experience.
When I surrendered my life to Christ in 2007 I came in contact with something that was so foreign to me. I came in contact with the love of God. I distinctively remember myself on my hands and knees weeping uncontrollably as I felt the Lord's presence before me. I could not look at the him but all I could do was weep. And there, in the midst of my sin and shame I cried out, “I am sorry! I am sorry Lord! I did not know. I am sorry!” In that moment I felt the Lord saw every nasty detail of my life and his response was, “This one she is mine!” With those sweet words of love and acceptance He claimed me! He took ownership and delight in who I was. I believe the Lord is calling out to this generation to come and weep at His feet, that they may experience a love that is better than wine, a love that far surpasses any earthly pleasure or experience. He is calling the sinful, the broken and the needy to Himself. For it is those that He came to the earth for and it is those that His eyes burn with desire for.
Come all that are seeking and searching for love. Come to the one who is Love. Come and expose yourself before Him. For it is there that you experience His love in the midst of Him knowing the real you. The broken, needy, messed up real you.

Song of Sol 2:4 “He brought me into his banqueting house and his banner over me was love.”

1 comment:

  1. This was so good Natalka! I am so impressed! Your love for Christ is so contagious and gives me the motivation to pursue him through my darkness. One thing that gripped me was when you said you did not know and then Jesus declared you as His. Wow. I know He doesn't see any of your sin--He just sees the beauty that you are!!

    That was so powerful!! I just love you.
